How I help you.
My approach
I assess the whole body, gather a broad structural picture of a specific complaint, and endeavour to identify the root of this particular imbalance, a 'source to symptom' approach if you like. I find this results in a more profound and often longer-lasting change for you.
Taking this structural and functional approach, I look to the body for evidence of musculoskeletal asymmetry, and through targeted soft-tissue release, I aim to correct this cycle of
disturbance in the central nervous, easing the pain and restoring function.
I also use my training in hypnosis, meditation and other change work, to help explore the inter-relationship bridging the mind, the memory and the bodies’ messages.
By helping you process unresolved hurt, fear or trauma we can often reach a deeper and more meaningful resolution particularly when combined with the somatic release work.
I combine touch, movement, breath and language to facilitate the process of change that the mind-body desires.
"All therapy is relationship, we work together to heal. The ultimate goal is to bring the person 'together'...functionally, perceptively and consciously whole. This is my great pleasure to play my part in, and this is the innate human aspect in all therapeutic healing arts."
Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) is a rapid change work tool to help clients reprocess problematic imagery (memories) and identity change.
It is a simple yet highly effective method of working with clients that regularly offers lasting results…often where other therapy models and techniques have not.
(IEMT) uses the directive movement of the client’s eyes, to deeply explore the structure of their anxieties, emotions, beliefs and identities. By observing and influencing these eye movements we access neural pathways that store our most profound emotions and experiences.
This isn't merely about alleviating symptoms; it’s about confronting our past, building greater understanding, and integrating these lessons into our present.
To learn more about IEMT, visit here.
The Bowen Technique is a hands-on remedial method that is suitable for adults and children of all ages. The targeted 'challenge and movement' is made over connective tissues, muscles, tendons and ligaments at specific points on the body, which bring about a reduction in pain and a return to function. My approach is assessment led.
I assess the whole body and gather a broad structural picture of a specific complaint and endeavour to identify the root of this particular imbalance, which will offer a more profound and often longer-lasting change for you.
Taking this structural and functional approach, I look to the body for evidence of musculoskeletal asymmetry, and through
targeted soft-tissue release, I aim to correct this cycle of disturbance to the nervous system, reducing your pain.
Your body does the rest!
Hypnotherapy is the practice of helping the you, the client, to build and utilise meaningful connections with the subconscious processes driving your behaviours, habits and reactions.
This allows us to unlock potential and renegotiate with the parts of us that run patterns that are simply no longer helpful!
Hypnotherapy can help in solving a myriad of outgrown habits, fears, anxieties, phobias, traumas and addictive tendencies. We can also help you optimise performance in areas of existing talent. I use a wide range of therapeutic tools to leverage this change for you. Think of me as your unconscious coach.
My events page lists all upcoming classes and seminars. Take a look at what’s coming next.
The principles underlying my 'hands on' work are based largely on the work of Australian Bowen practitioner and TCM/Acupuncturist, Graham Pennington. Graham's methods are at the forefront of an empirical, measurable model of Bowen practice worldwide.
Since 2016-17, I have taught this approach via the 'Importance of Symmetry' two day CPD accredited class. Details of the approach, the class and Graham's 'Textbook of Bowen Technique', can be found at
If you are a practitioner interested in CPD training or indeed purchasing this most comprehensive book on Bowen, please email me via the contact form.